Member-only story
Juggle Homeschooling and Small Children with This One Business Strategy

Superman could not have conquered all that a woman with young children has to overcome in a day.
So why do we set superwoman expectations for ourselves?
If you have a child under the age of two, and you’re reading this, take it from someone who’s been there. My exact thoughts after my first month of being a new mother were, “This is a short cut to insanity!”
You will never be able to accomplish as much as you did before you had your baby, and sometimes you may even find it difficult to take a shower or brush your teeth.
Unless you learn how to come to terms with and manage this situation, you’re in for a lot of frustration and resentment ahead.
There’s a simple reason for your new lack of productivity, too: you are no longer a free agent. You are now a servant to your baby, and servants are too busy serving to think about anything else.
If you look at it from this perspective, instead of feeling frustrated and disappointed with yourself for not getting more done, it becomes easier because you realize it’s temporary. Freedom will come again, but it will take a couple of years.