5 Reasons Your Family’s Dinnertime Meal Is a Serious Matter→

5 min readOct 21, 2021

All happy families share one thing in common: dinnertime is prime time for the family.

They come together to share a meal, but the food is not what’s most important; it’s what happens before, during, and after the meal that matters a lot. In fact, the family dinner meal is a serious matter, not to be neglected or taken lightly.

As dinnertime is when many things that are key to your family’s overall happiness occur, here are five reasons you never want to miss having a dinnertime meal for your family:

“The dinner table is the center for the teaching and practicing not just of table manners but of conversation, consideration, tolerance, family feeling, and just about all the other accomplishments of polite society except the minuet.”

— Judith Martin

1) Family Togetherness Makes Kids Feel Secure

Dinnertime is usually the only meal that dad is present for during the week making it a special event, especially for the children. Dads are gone all day, presumably at work, and when they come home, it is a big excitement for the children.

When everyone is seated at the table, the children feel a sense of security having both parents present and knowing that their family…

