The Homeschooling Morning RitualThe morning can swallow your time if you don’t have a morning ritual in place especially when you’re homeschooling.Jan 19, 20222Jan 19, 20222
7 Reasons Why You Should Think Twice About Virtual HomeschoolingThe number of public-school students who learn online has grown exponentially during the past decade and even more so since the Covid…Nov 16, 20211Nov 16, 20211
A “Head-Start in Early Education May Do More Harm than Good?Is expecting our children to leave home at earlier and earlier ages, so they can get a head start with reading, writing, and arithmetic…Nov 13, 2021Nov 13, 2021
Why I Never Reached My Potential and How to Spare Your Kids the Same FateJohn Taylor Gatto, a renowned educator and best-selling author, said that “schools were dangerous places for children.”Nov 2, 20212Nov 2, 20212
5 Reasons Your Family’s Dinnertime Meal Is a Serious Matter→All happy families share one thing in common: dinnertime is prime time for the family.Oct 21, 20212Oct 21, 20212
Published inAge of AwarenessDare to Homeschool! Overcoming the Fear that You Are Not Good EnoughAs women, we tend to think we are not enough as we are. Add homeschooling into the mix and our list of not enoughs now includes neither…Jul 22, 20214Jul 22, 20214
Published inTeachers on Fire Magazine5 Ways to Stimulate Your Child’s Love of LearningThe other night a friend showed me a clip of her nine-month-old baby trying to imitate her mother’s expressions.Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
How Much Does a Father Really Matter?We recently celebrated our annual day of dedication to fathers, but the truth is that if you have a man in the home, who also happens to be…Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
6 Mistakes Parent Make that Can Stifle Their Child’s IntelligenceWould Beethoven be Beethoven if he had been born in another time, another place, and to a family with no musical talent?Apr 23, 2020Apr 23, 2020
Published inAge of AwarenessIs Online Learning Really as Good asThey Say?The number of public school students who learn online has grown exponentially during the past decade. Private businesses like K-12 have…Mar 23, 20201Mar 23, 20201